Recent content by greaser_monkey

  1. G

    lowest asking price for 97/98cc doodlebug engine?

    Yeah, 'cept we ain't havin a laugh about it. Well, maybe you are, but idc, I'm just trying to move on. Respectfully, I suggest you all do the same. If you choose not to, that's on you all.
  2. G

    lowest asking price for 97/98cc doodlebug engine?

    I just want to add one other thing. I know you all think I'm too lazy and fat to get to work a mile from my house without my motorbike. Well, it's been almost a month since the schwinn frame broke. I'm working on building up a new frame, but till its finished I've been walking to work at least...
  3. G

    lowest asking price for 97/98cc doodlebug engine?

    I see that the thread has died down and all the comments have pretty much faded away. There's been no activity on this thread for 10 days. So now I'm going to apologize. I'm not going to try to defend my actions or justify or explain, because we've been over that already and no one listened, so...
  4. G

    lowest asking price for 97/98cc doodlebug engine?

    Given the context of the entire post, I take this as a threat and will be prepared for such. Nothing you can say will change that. And we could keep going back and forth about it, or about how I'm back even though I said I wouldn't be, blah, blah, blah. So what? Is there any point to this? NO!
  5. G

    lowest asking price for 97/98cc doodlebug engine?

    Gumpit, I came back to respond to Chipper's threat, because even though this be the interwebz, when someone has my name and address, I take threats seriously and I take every precaution necessary. That's all.
  6. G

    lowest asking price for 97/98cc doodlebug engine?

    Chipper, I can understand that you're upset. But I'd like to point out a couple of things. One, I did not expect you to remove the cam from the engine until the day I paid you for it. If that was in any way unclear and you assumed that I expected you to remove it ahead of time, then I sincerely...
  7. G

    lowest asking price for 97/98cc doodlebug engine?

    I think you all misunderstood. I was coming back to apologize. Not for any other reason. Since I'm not apologizing, there is no other logical reason for me to return. One of you is partly right, I was remorseful. Until I read all the stupid and immature comments that have continued long since...
  8. G

    lowest asking price for 97/98cc doodlebug engine?

    I came back here planning to apologize to everyone after seeing and being utterly amazed that I'm still not banned after all my tantrums. But after seeing how the comments have continued, yes it's your right to say whatever you want for as long as you like on the Anonymous Interwebz, but after...
  9. G

    lowest asking price for 97/98cc doodlebug engine?

    Wtf, I'm still not banned, what do I have to do? Kick the dog? Slap your grandma? Bang your wife? Beat your kids? Run you over? Light you on fire? Put fire ants in your bed? Jesus H. Christ, what the hahahaha? Does it take to get banned?
  10. G

    lowest asking price for 97/98cc doodlebug engine?

    Well, I did concede, so if you clowns want to keep carrying on about it, be my guest. I know I was the first one to walk away, so I get to take that with me.
  11. G

    lowest asking price for 97/98cc doodlebug engine?

    I conceded, you can all shut the f--k up now.
  12. G

    lowest asking price for 97/98cc doodlebug engine?

    I concede under my own volition and of my own free will, not under duress or coercion. But it doesn't prove a hahahahaing thing. You're right, now shut the f--k up and stop b!tching.
  13. G

    lowest asking price for 97/98cc doodlebug engine?

    Why would I slink away in shame when I did nothing wrong, as is quite obvious by my publicly posting the message I sent you in which I very clearly stated that I was not trying to play you, that I was going to go with the lowest priced engine I could find, as is my right? Furthermore, the clutch...
  14. G

    lowest asking price for 97/98cc doodlebug engine?

    Also, "eating here" would imply that I need something or that being here is in some way benefiting me. Since I'm no longer in need of an engine or advice on a minibike since I don't own one and never plan to, tell me exactly how I'm "eating here"? Because I come here for free? So the f--k what...
  15. G

    lowest asking price for 97/98cc doodlebug engine?

    Now you stupid f--ks read that until it doesn't sound like me trying to play anyone, because clearly I was not.