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  1. GSbiker

    The Joke Thread...........

    Three friends married women from different parts of the world... The first man married a Indian girl. He told her that she was to do the dishes and house cleaning. It took a couple of days, but on the third day, he came home to see a clean house and dishes washed and put away. The...
  2. GSbiker

    Anybody like pie?

    Every year my wife and I have what we call a PieFest. This year it is on August 18. Bring a homemade pie to share with the rest. Address and more information at PieFest 2012 | Let's Eat Pie .
  3. GSbiker

    To my fellow old farts.....

    Cool web site. Memories of Yesteryear
  4. GSbiker

    Ever wonder who's following you in cyberspace???

    Check out Mozilla Collusion Collusion
  5. GSbiker

    Girl, 17, who has eaten nothing else since age TWO rushed to hospital

    Hard to believe.... She looks different than what I thought she would. Link to story
  6. GSbiker

    What have you done?

    Ok, I know we have the "What do you do" thread to take care of the present but what about the past? Those of you in the witness protection program need not reply. I'll start..... fast food cook poultry butcher in a chicken factory welder draftsman fireman for 12 years camp counselor car...
  7. GSbiker

    Playing with trains.

    Playing With Trains - YouTube Merry Christmas to all. May the new year be full of old and new minibikes.
  8. GSbiker

    What is your internet speed?

    What is your internet speed? Just curious. go to - The Global Broadband Speed Test and share the results. This is using a Verizon cellular data modem. My home service is not quite as fast.
  9. GSbiker

    Honda GX390 Motor

    I have a Honda GX390 motor from a burnt out generator. The motor starts and runs great. It can't have more than just a few hours on it. I would like to use it on a cart but it has a 7/8" tapered shaft which is common in the generator community. I have searched the internet for a year now...
  10. GSbiker


    This pretty well sums it up.
  11. GSbiker

    Trail Cameras

    In my spare time I like to play with trail cameras. The two pics below are from last night in my back yard. Anybody else enjoy this pastime?
  12. GSbiker

    Hey GSbiker, what's for dinner?

    Well, thanks for asking. :laugh: We had pasta with a really good red sauce made of herbs, peppers from the garden and Italian sausage on the grill. Homemade herb bread with real butter. Yum yum. My wife is an incredible cook. I'm a lucky guy. Who's next? What's for dinner tonight?
  13. GSbiker

    PUI Friday

    That's right, it's PUI Friday. It's been a tough week, so its time to crack open a cold one and enjoy an evening with the OldMiniBikes community. :drinkup: (PUI=Posting Under the Influence)
  14. GSbiker

    6.5hp Clone $89.99 Coupon!!!!

    At that price it might be worth picking up a spare. :scooter:
  15. GSbiker

    I remember....

    it was about 1962 when my dad gave me a book from his childhood. It was called "The Boy Mechanic". (copyright 1940) I read this book cover to cover many times. Among the pages was a project called "Power Mouse - Speedy Motor Scooter" I saw that and knew I had to build it. Well, being...
  16. GSbiker


  17. GSbiker

    Soups on

  18. GSbiker


    In 2011, both Groundhog Day and the State of the Union address are scheduled on the same day. It's an ironic juxtaposition of events; one event involves a meaningless ritual in which we look to a creature of limited intelligence for prognostication . . . while the other involves a groundhog.
  19. GSbiker

    The WTF picture thread

    Do you ever stumble upon a picture on the internet and you just look and say "what the f*#%". Well post it here. I'll start...