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  1. Mravengr

    New rides entry: 1974 CESTAD CS9021A

    Mravengr 1974 CESTAD CS9021A Restored trike that belonged to my wife’s late grandfather.
  2. Mravengr

    [B]CESTAD Workhorse [/B]

    I've got a CESTAD Workhorse trike with a Tecumseh HM80 155042A 8hp engine, serial #4297D. It's currently in a pull-start configuration, but I'm wanting to see about putting a battery-operated starter on it instead of the pull-start. Has anyone had any experience in doing this? Any...
  3. Mravengr

    Salutations from Texas (Howdy)

    Just found this forum and thought it might be of help with a couple of upcoming projects. One is a Power Products AH47 engine that's on my rebuild list. Turns free but carb is rusted pretty bad. Haven't investigated enough to see if it has any spark or much compression. Other project is a Carl...