
  1. J

    Italjet Mini Mini Bambino MM5a - Shock Repairs?? - Help

    Hi Can anybody tell me how to take apart rear shocks on an Italjet mini mini bambino? I have four of these bikes that I am renovating, but all of the shocks are in a bad way with rust etc. and I want to re-chrome the springs but I cant get them apart. I tried to get one set apart and have...
  2. 125ccCrazy

    Hs anyone un-soldered a vintage round tank to do repairs??

    I have a couple old round tanks I just picked up, the one is a 3 piece that has end caps soldered on and was "repaired" :doah: at one time by someone with little expreience in soldering... I took my hand help propane torch and heated the tank to get rid of all the mess that was there along with...