
  1. D

    1996 Royal Star

    Well, I got myself another big boy toy this week. I call it the Lumbering Hulk do to how heavy this thing is. It is a 1300cc beast of a bike. Now I have to make room in my garage for it, and that will not be easy. Maybe time for some stuff to go.
  2. rdog348

    Old Royal Type Writer!

    Well, I found this rummaging through years of my old stuff. Never knew I owned it. :laugh: I plan on restoring it.. Its dated 1957. The platen has been hammered on by some kid, its a rubber scroll wheel that has hardened, and when you type very hard on the it, the letters indent on it. Which has...

    1970 Royal Enfield Diesel

    Not exactly a minibike, but it only has 7.5 hp. It has a Greeves single cylinder diesel engine and a 5 speed transmission. It racks through the gears pretty fast as it has a somewhat narrow powerband. Supposedly gets 200mpg, but with me on it, its probably only getting a paltry 150. The only...