Recent content by nightgrider

  1. nightgrider

    #35 Chain

    Just discussed a few days ago.
  2. nightgrider

    High Speed Front Forks

    I feel the need. The need for speed.
  3. nightgrider

    van go kart info

    The frame is looking really good.
  4. nightgrider

    Freak-Bikes, Homemades, Customs, Frankenbikes & Oddballs

    *slapps seat with hand "Those welds'll hold."
  5. nightgrider

    Buying this, What is it?

    Turned out really nice! Honestly didn't even recognize it. Had to go back through the tread.
  6. nightgrider

    van go kart info

    The extra effort now always pays off in the end. Keep up the good work.
  7. nightgrider

    Lil Indian decals

    Something about like this.
  8. nightgrider

    Lil Indian decals

    Found the bring a trailer ad with the reference images. Since these decals are equilateral triangles. With some reference dimensions like the length of the neck on frame and the width of the Briggs blower shroud decal, one could scale the decals very closely to the originals.
  9. nightgrider

    The "What were they thinking!!?" Seat Thread

    Make way for Willie!
  10. nightgrider

    Lil Indian decals

    Do you have dimensions of the decals or are these just reference photos from online?
  11. nightgrider

    Freak-Bikes, Homemades, Customs, Frankenbikes & Oddballs

    Upon closer inspection, I do see the electric motor. Neat.
  12. nightgrider

    Freak-Bikes, Homemades, Customs, Frankenbikes & Oddballs

    No idea, just found it on the internet. Probably just art.
  13. nightgrider

    Pipe/ tube bender

    I feel ya. Need stuff to warm up. Wanting to try a few ideas for bending emt conduit with tight bends for cheap.