Bonanza BC1300 (2), Bonanza BC1500SH, Lil' Indian (3), Skat Kitty, Rupp TT500, Benelli Dynamo, Benelli Buzzer, Taco T100, Gemini SST 80, Kawasaki MT1 75, Suzuki Trailhopper, Honda Z50, ItalJet Kit Kat, Allstate, Rupp Go Joe
- Location
Central Ohio
- Mini Bikes
2 Bonanzas, 1 Benelli Dynamo, 2 Benelli Buzzers, 3 Lil Indians, 1 Skat Kitty, 1 Rupp TT500, 1 Taco T100, 1 Gemini SST80, 1 Kawasaki KV75, 1 Suzuki Trailhopper, 1 Honda Z50, 1 '64 Allstate (Vespa)
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