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  1. Iron Honky

    I'm back

    Lol. Not that kind of smoking. Only cigars haha
  2. Iron Honky

    I'm back

    Took it apart. Cleaned up all the shit welds and cut the bad foot peg off. Time to order some junk and rat this out
  3. Iron Honky

    I'm back

    Nope. Actually in 4 of those as well. Big meetup this Saturday at famous smoke shop.
  4. Iron Honky

    I'm back

    Sure you didnt
  5. Iron Honky

    I'm back

    Starting this foremost project
  6. Iron Honky

    Windber Mini Bike Reunion 2017

    Sorry I missed windber this year everyone. Way to much on my plate with the girls. I gotta find another mini to build. Been way too long. Looks like everyone had a blast as usual
  7. Iron Honky

    Windber Mini Bike Reunion 2017

    What's windber? lol
  8. Iron Honky

    Happy Birthday Iron Honky

    Thanks everyone much love
  9. Iron Honky

    Real deal 8" bonanza spinner wheel set

    I'll give you some pocket lint and an old expired OldMiniBikes membership haha
  10. Iron Honky

    Cool bird near Binghamton NY

    Seen that too. Was showning Trink (Tim) it. If I was closer I'd definitely buy that. Cool original bird
  11. Iron Honky

    2-1/2" brake band and puck

    allied leisure sells them.
  12. Iron Honky

    Looking for a rupp go joe

    If anyone comes across a rupp go joe in decent shape that is some what close to me let me know. There's a really nice one in Oregon but out of my price range. Would love to get one for the kids
  13. Iron Honky

    Windber Mini Bike Reunion 2016

    Had to do something since I didn't bring any bikes haha
  14. Iron Honky

    Windber Mini Bike Reunion 2016

    couple more
  15. Iron Honky

    Windber Mini Bike Reunion 2016

    Its all good. This is the forum for everyone. Never said you bashed Jeff so not sure what you read. Just saying people on this forum are definitely not the problem. Did you have a good time at the reunion? Thats what we should focus on. Good times
  16. Iron Honky

    Windber Mini Bike Reunion 2016

    Honestly the parade is cool and all but I'm sure we would find something else to do in its place if it wasnt an option.
  17. Iron Honky

    Windber Mini Bike Reunion 2016

    Awesome Gumpit. Those are purdy. Chester thats what we wanna hear. Keep this hobby going!!
  18. Iron Honky

    Windber Mini Bike Reunion 2016

    Razzo hear me out. I've only been coming to the event for 3 years now. But bashing gumpit and The so called drag tractor which in fact is Leons. Now if your such a big friend of Jeff you would know that Randy (gumpit) and Leon are talked very highly on from Jeff himself. And as for the old...
  19. Iron Honky

    Windber Mini Bike Reunion 2016

    I agree. Bitching on here is pointless because the people who were acting up aren't even on this forum so time to focus on the positive. Some cool bikes this year. I spent the majority of my time doing laps around the property on foot talking to everyone and enjoying the bikes. good times