Search results

  1. J

    Where you heading this year?

    I've been to Sicily but we just stay there for a week and all you've been saying about it's true!!! I just wish we stay there more.. Question about Egypt, I am not an Egyptian if I go there it will be my first time so, I read from this article...
  2. J

    Where you heading this year?

    Getting stuck would be really scary.. that would be my first hearing someone travelling there and it's cool..
  3. J

    Where you heading this year?

    We are already in the middle of the year, any travel plans so far? Mine will be probably torn between Egypt and Greece, anybody been in these two places recently? I would really appreciate any tip and suggestions!
  4. J

    Anyone jet a 24mm nibbi on a predator 212 or Tillotson 212r?

    I'm about to get one.
  5. J

    Post your cars!

    This so classic!!
  6. J

    Happy July 4th

    Happy 4th of July!
  7. J

    Happy Father's Day

    might be late, but Happy Father's Day!
  8. J

    Hello from Tucson

    Hello, I am also new. welcome
  9. J

    Favorite movie and other nonsense

    Home alone all time favorite..
  10. J

    What do we have here? A rupp?

    Look amazing..
  11. J

    Bonanza BC1200 project w/many new parts for sale

    Great deal indeed..