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  1. M

    old harley mini bike

    seriously so its not worth much at all
  2. M

    old harley mini bike

    well i got it for 80 bucks if i give it a fresh paint job and clean up the motor how much do you think i can get for it
  3. M

    5hp briggs issues on an old harley

    ok thanks i will try that haha its a great day out to go work on it but it is at my dads so i i gotta wait 2 weeks before i can do anything
  4. M

    5hp briggs issues on an old harley

    what would be the best way to fix the compression?????
  5. M

    hey thanks a lot man

    hey thanks a lot man
  6. M

    Arctic Cat Prowler

    nice bike but not lovin the seat haha
  7. M

    old harley mini bike

    oh ok well thanks for letting me know r those decent names and does it look to be vintage
  8. M

    5hp briggs issues on an old harley

    hey i am having some issues on my 5hp briggs it starts up fine but when i get it going it will go about 1/4 of a mile than if i have to stop at a stop sign it just dies than i have to wait for like 5 mins than it fires right back up and than does the same thing i got into the carb and sprayed it...
  9. M

    old harley mini bike

    hey i just got this mini bike off of craigslist it looks like it is an old harley it has an old harley penut gas tank on it i am just wondering if any of you could help me out and tell me maybe the history of it thanks