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    Need throttle help, please.

    Hello, total novice here. Can somebody please tell me how to set up throttle wire on this carb? where to feed wire and with what parts? I have used search a few times for help, I see pictures of various engines and hook ups but I guess I need a visual or specific instruction for this carb. I was...

    Help with throttle placement

    Nothing, maybe I'll move it to a main thread.

    Help with throttle placement

    Hello, total novice here. Can somebody please tell me how to set up throttle wire on this carb? where to feed wire and with what parts? I have used search a few times for help, I see pictures of various engines and hook ups but I guess I need a visual or specific instruction for this carb. I...

    Need help with motor ID with other questions

    Motor was painted black, I can't see any ID numbers or markings. I think it is mid 80's (86?) 5HP, because I saw one similar on this site for sale but that one you could see ID numbers. Not sure how often they changed styles. Looking for info because if I want to change out parts or modify. It...

    wheel bearing help

    I'm changing wheel bearings, have some questions and having trouble finding replacements. Here are the dimensions and pics. The rear are thicker assuming because more weight on rear (could be wrong). Both are 1/2" ID, 1 3/8" OD and flanged. The deeper are 3/8" and the smaller is 5/16" deep...

    Rear sprocket assistance for 70's ARCO bushmaster

    Thanks for the opinions, I'm glad we are on the same page.

    Rear sprocket assistance for 70's ARCO bushmaster

    Can somebody tell me if this rear sprocket needs to be replaced at this time or does it have some life in it,by looking at pic. It doesn't feel or look pointed, but don't have one to compare. I'm attempting to restore an ARCO bushmaster (unknown year, probably mid 70's) to fun and safe...

    Help, what is this?

    That was a good guess. Thanks. You should play the lottery now KustomKartKid

    Help, what is this?

    Thank you very much. I just googled for pic and a few came up. Now to look up some hx and start getting it into shape and have some fun.
  10. MISSLE

    Help, what is this?

    Hello. I bought first mini bike, I would like to know what it is and year. I have Googled with no answer found. I can't find a similar style, it doesn't seem modified other than engine upgrade, it is painted black so no markings on engine, was told it is a 5.5 hp unknown brand, looks old,. I...
  11. MISSLE

    Hello, Newbee here

    Hello everybody, new to the mini bike craze. I have been riding motorcycles for lone time, but I think I have found a new way to spend my money. I have purchased first mini bike, no idea what it is or year, other than I found a plate half covered in paint on front of bike says Montgomery ward &...