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  1. Toominibikes

    Post your cars!

    My Plymouth
  2. Toominibikes

    Stolen Bird

    Mark Thank you for the offer, I think I have enough parts to build one more. The sucky part is the fame was his original bike.
  3. Toominibikes

    Stolen Bird

    10 years ago I restored this bike for my brothers 50th birthday. Last weekend someone stole it out of his storage unit. If you see it please let me know Thanks
  4. Toominibikes

    trike I.D. needed ! any info or any parts would be great thanks

    I had one that was branded Cenex
  5. Toominibikes

    Michigan Minibike history

    every time I see this video the more I want one!
  6. Toominibikes

    Heald Super Tryke

    Wish you were closer to Iowa
  7. Toominibikes


    I have always wanted a Rupp SS5. Would like to find one close to Iowa. Would like it close to complete although it could be less engine. Thank you
  8. Toominibikes

    Garage Photo Fun

    Man I miss My old SRX6
  9. Toominibikes

    My Childhood is Complete

    Merry Christmas to you!
  10. Toominibikes

    Rupp Go Joe decals

    They show up on ebay once and a while
  11. Toominibikes

    Heald Super Bronc Restoration - Need input

    I have a VT10 and we ride the hell out of it. It is the go to bike for everyone :scooter:
  12. Toominibikes

    Heald Hauler roller

    I had an SST shipped from Utah to Iowa a few years back for around 400 bucks.
  13. Toominibikes

    1970's Bird War Eagle

    Wish you were closer!
  14. Toominibikes


    Lots of great stories start with we were drinking beer when
  15. Toominibikes

    Any Heald Tryke lovers out here?

    Sorry I been nuts with work
  16. Toominibikes

    What is this abomination

    That is the ultra rare Rupp Douche Bag
  17. Toominibikes

    What is this abomination

    An impossible find.
  18. Toominibikes

    New go-kart I may need some help

    Actually the number might be on the other side
  19. Toominibikes

    New go-kart I may need some help

    whats the numbers that are by the kick start? there should be some numbers stamped on the engine that will give you a year and size
  20. Toominibikes

    New go-kart I may need some help

    Is that a point type ignition or does it have a CDI? A point type ignition would be much easier to to diagnose. As far as compression do you have a compression gauge you can test it?