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    whats a restrictor plate

    It goes in front of the carb and limits how much air the engine can get. It is used in different racing associations to try and make all the engines equal in horepower. Therefor making it a driver sport, not a power sport. NASCAR does it too.
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    Probably the weirdest HS40 Problem by Far..

    Your not running a dirty air filter are you?
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    Lil' Indian Sabre Restore

    I have a Sabre too that i have always wanted to spruce up. Nice work :thumbsup:
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    Clutch Problem

    Dirty carb then? Causing surging?
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    flywheel key check & replacement

    If its a complete shear you can tell. But if its only a little distorted it might be hard to see.
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    flywheel key check & replacement

    To check the key you need to take off the engine cover and the flywheel. The key keeps the flywheel aligned on the crankshaft.
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    no spark on 5 hp

    Use a self tapping bolt of the same diameter.
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    Tecumseh Kill Switch

    I got it to work. It only grounded to the bare engine block. Not anything else i touched it to. Wierd:out:
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    Tecumseh Kill Switch

    The switch wasnt on yet. I put the flywheel on and spun the motor with a drill. I was watching the spark and touched the open end of the wire to metal and even touched it and felt nothing. The spark just kept going. What i did was loosen the nut, put the bare wire behind the washer, and...
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    Tecumseh Kill Switch

    Trying to hook up a kill switch to my 5hp engine off a snowblower. I attached the new wire (red in picture) to where the old one came from. (White end of wire in other picture) Im spinning the engine with a drill but get spark reguardless if the new wire is grounded or not. Where am I...
  11. 100_2847


  12. 100_2845


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    HS50 Exhaust Question

    I think my HS50 has a 3/4 hole. But im just going off memory.
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    Carb adjustments?

    Give us the numbers off the engine so we know what you have. But it sounds like its just a dirty carb.
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    gov. removel of 6.5

    Nope, dont think so
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    Briggs won't start

    I lap the valves on all the engines i get. Just to make sure im not losing any compression and help proformance. It doesnt take too long. But it does tend to turn into more projects like cleaning fuel tanks and removing all the carbon while im at it:out:
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    big 4

    When i got my Lil' Indian it had a gold 5hp motor.
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    need picture of top of carb on baja mini 5.5hp

    Affordable Go Karts - Home page - AGK -
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    HS40 Timing and Torque spec questions

    Is he lining up the cam correctly? In the picture he lined up the big hole in the cam with the mark on the crankshaft. Shouldnt their be a small dot he lines it up with. Not the huge hole? I dont recall lining up my HS50 with the big hole.
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    Strange 4 hp Engine..

    I have also forgotton to put head gaskets on before.:doah: