This was my cheaper version than going with the original Dellorto carb. Pz20mm carb. Tecumseh HS50 ported, compression release ground of cam. Made my own intake manifold. After getting main jet sized right. It runs very good. Still running strong for 5 years now.
I don't have Preditor engine but a harbor freight 6.5hp blue clone engine on my Murray. I built mine with prebent 7/8" tubing and made my flange to go on the engine. I run a straight pipe with turn out. I had to increase my main jet to get it to run good. but sounds great now. one of my favorite...
Someone on here a few years back put some on disc and I don't think they ever sold any or offered them for sale. I would be interested in the collection. If the price was 150 or less for the collection. It would be cool to have them.
Rupp clutches are not Fairbank Morse, They where Rupp own design. That's a common problem on the aluminum Rupp clutches, It best to shut off the engine and not let them sit and idle a lot.
Nice job, Neat bike it turn out good :thumbsup:, Seeing yours makes me want to finish my two healds bikes. I've collected most the parts now to complete them.
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