you can do easy little things throw a hot plug on it maby take off the fixed jet carb for a adjustable throw a header on it maby a thinner head gasket maby if you wana get wild a little cam but if you get over stock rpm get an arc rod at the least
im thinkin ring leak down at first but since its outa exast its gota be running realy rich an i dont know how much can leack down the vlavel bushing in such a short amount of time i dought much so chekc rings first
im with him i saw it some were maby clements but it was an OHV conversion kit for like blockzillas or similar drag blocks it was all billet to on a side note a raptors is an aluminum can compard to a 10 to 1 compres ratios itd bloc the clyinder clean to the moon :xmas-smiley-016:
i gree with him they help on scrmers but for mild not to much i belive i heard a raptor 3 piston was the heavyest an had the lightes wrist pin an a raptor 2 piston was the lightest as for heads a mill or thinner gasket is the beter choice
look im13 an im guna tell you dont bullshit with that stuf i personaly know how to do it but i wouldnt do it on a mini bike but the go karts a diferent stry:pimp:
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