Yeah, there was a USPS rate hike last month, but I don't mind losing a few bucks on shipping...kinda like splitting the shipping cost with the buyer.
Those handlebars need to be cut off and MIG'd or TIG'd back on with some sleeves inside the tubing...
The brazing around the triple tree...
Yes...there are pics of this brand of caliper set up to use the sprocket as the rotor in the member's pics section of OldMiniBikes.
But, if you're wanting one for a Li'l Indian with the OEM sprocket caliper setup, the mounting holes on this caliper are too far apart.
I doubt if it is...I think those have milled/recessed bolt slots for clearance over the bolt heads while repositioning the engine. This one is just a 1/2" thick billet version of a simple engine plate.
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