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  1. joshua. c.

    new bonanza project.

    I think for now I'm just going to try to get either my lesser modded inteck or one of my stock Animals running just to get this bike running and play with the supper modded motor some more latter unless I find the issue soon and its a simple fix. Either way the bike wil look mostly the same...
  2. joshua. c.

    Pictures of spoked wheel version of Cat Endura needed

    I do plan on fixing the front brake issue, I've already assesed that a rupp front brake will work after cutting back the axle bushing on one side of the front wheel. I also plan on un governing the motor with the ohh55 billet rod and adding a more agressive cam and some port work, the motor...
  3. joshua. c.

    Pictures of spoked wheel version of Cat Endura needed

    Thanks but thats the wrong bike, thats a hardtail. The Endura has a rear swing arm and rear shocks and my frame has no visible mounting points
  4. joshua. c.

    Pictures of spoked wheel version of Cat Endura needed

    The info I need is: 1. What tye of spacers do the axles to the wheels use? 2. What model and brand of torque converter is the origenal and what would work as a substitute? 3. How dose the rear fender mount and posibly measurements of the rear fender? 4. What type of mount dose the clutch cover...
  5. joshua. c.

    Pictures of spoked wheel version of Cat Endura needed

    I've looked up ever picture avalable but not many show a good zoomed in left and right side view and most pictures are of the small wheeled version wich dosn't help much.
  6. joshua. c.

    Pictures of spoked wheel version of Cat Endura needed

    After years of searching I now have most of the parts to assemble the spoked wheel version of a cat endura and I'm nearly ready to start assembly. but there are a few things that im not shure where or how they assemble and I could use some reference pictures of the bike to figure these out. This...
  7. joshua. c.

    Ford ranger spotting

    Next time your out driving have a look around because Ford Rangers are still all over the place and I don't meen the new redesigned ones. Every time I go out wherever I go I see 3 or 4 of them. I mean the truck that was discontinued in 2011. My 2003 Ranger is now 22 years old and going strong...
  8. joshua. c.

    Any new mods out there ?

    This bike used to be the hottest thing on the market, they were just everyware, people loved them, they were cheep easy to mod and looked so much better with a bigger motor in the frame. It was a mistake updating this bike to the newer weird looking model because no one liked those and the...
  9. joshua. c.

    new bonanza project.

    Happy new years! Newyears day update: One of those sets of rims ended up back on the bike today ready to run. This black bike (not my red bonanza) still needs some upgrades but its getting closer to finished. I need a better looking seat, a front brake setup, posibly a new swing arm setup for...
  10. joshua. c.

    new bonanza project.

    I know you guys like pictures so these are the rims ive been working on All the rims have new tires new tubes and new rim strips. the top one isn't knobby but I just had a set sitting in my basement for my restomod prittied up Rupp project and I decided I wanted knobbys for that project so...
  11. joshua. c.

    untalked about issues with trafic cercles

    Didn't state bad idea I just stated can't handle high volume and are not a one size fits all solution that you can slap down anyware. I did state in some situations they do work I made that abundently clear, I even gave you examples of circles that function correctly because they were used...
  12. joshua. c.

    new bonanza project.

    I may not be able to work on the bonanza right now due to the weather but I'm still working on other bikes. I just got finished prepping the rims of 2 bikes for new tires. I pulled the tires and wire wheeled the rust out of the inside of the rims then hit the inside of the rims with a coat of...
  13. joshua. c.

    untalked about issues with trafic cercles

    If you think they always work you haven't been threw the Lee or Portsmouth ones. There are cases ware cercles work, they just cant be in high volume intersections. There is one in Rochester, one in rye NH and one in Newburyport Mass that all work nicly but again they are low volume.
  14. joshua. c.

    untalked about issues with trafic cercles

    trafic cercles can work in certain low volume no shipping situations but thats it! There is an even more infuriating pice of infostructure being forced on uss in my area called speed humps those should be illegal! its just a bigger speed bump. I have to drive over 2 of them in a row going to...
  15. joshua. c.

    untalked about issues with trafic cercles

    trafic cercle = round a-bout, its just another name for the same thing.
  16. joshua. c.

    untalked about issues with trafic cercles

    Trafic cercles are Not all the internet claims they are there are many issues with them. the biggest is volume. single lane trafic cercles can only handle so much trafic before they become overwelmed and create a trafic jam. the portsmouth NH trafic cercle by the highway is a perfect example...
  17. joshua. c.

    Has anyone had a tire on their mini bike pop while riding?

    The tires on my very first mini bike dryrotted and one day the tube came poping threw the sidewall about a mile ot two from home, had to walk it. Most of my bikes get new tires when I get them now so thats not realy a problem anymore. The only other time I poped a tire was just at the end of...
  18. joshua. c.

    I got a call today from a guy I bought a 73 Roadster from last year.

    I'm not sure on Rupp that particular Rups value but that thing was rough. Personaly I've never had any real intrest in the small wheeled Rupps but I have seen many bike get way overpriced by pee brained sellers that think just because its old its gold. I once saw a seller with a very common...
  19. joshua. c.

    Animal in mini bike

    Torque converters generaly are geat for having off the line torque then it slowly upshifts to give you more top end. The centrifugal is simpler and lighter and may allow some extra rpms at top end but it would need much lower gearing to acheve the same takeoff as the torque converter and...
  20. joshua. c.

    new bonanza project.

    Newengland needs a few more mini bike events next summer A while ago we lost the East Provinence Rhoad Island 100 foot drags and it dosent seem they are coming back anytime soon. and the throwdoun group has been skipping the earlyest event they used to hold bringing them down to 2 events and a...