I suspect that much of the concern about spelling is one-upmanship for the insecure and unsure. The prime example is the social media troll who picks on a typo in an attempt to discredit — or distract — from the substance of the ideas...
You got me there cheesehead! A spelling error, case closed. Twenty nine responses to idiots and you found a spelling error.
I think why you are all fascinated with my project is it moves too fast for you and can’t connect the dots... when I read some of this I can hear the tune from...
I have to tell you the public at large, IQ level really seems to be dropping. Or this site is loaded with kids how can I know who I’m talking to.
Do you really think I’m broke? Maybe I can explain it like when you get your allowance and it’ll make more sense to you. See young bud my allowance...
I had to really laugh at your comment as I am on the crapper too!
Who ever posted that any potential seller will read this was spot on! Type in the Tony Pony and there wasnt anything before now its viral on all IDX feeds pointing back to ebay listing. Viewing is the highest number I personaly...
Well if you did use google to search you’ll know the changes of the years. It’s difficult to find anything about these which makes them more desirable at least to me and others who have money to purchase rare, it’s unlike the 10s an100s of thousands of your bikes that were made. Small minded...
Children, isn’t it your bedtime? Your not even old enough to have a drivers liscence right?
Markus must have gotten his nose bumped and sulking in the corner somewhere. It’ll be all right champ, get back out there and beat on your chest pretend your a big boy again!!
I’m so glad to hear you have no problem on what I do. I was really waiting on your approval too. The fact that you think in some way what you or anyone has said about the bike has anything to do with it’s value to a buyer shows your Arrogance and how small your world is. I could’nt care less if...
So he has earned the right to call anyone a liar because of the 10 years. Got it! So if he figured out their was no lie now we just call his bike a hacked up mess and he moves on? Your “Just sayin...” it ok with you and give him an Amen!
I guess yours is the new normal the internet. Did...
OK, you all seem to be in agreement that Markus knows how to identify mini bikes. Amen to that right! So we can all back Mr Markus because that’s what this is about right? Spin..
Your all praising him for calling me out to be a liar. Is that not offensive to any of you or your all ok with...
Markus, I’ve recieved messages and now understand you are just a kid. My advice to you is to drop the ego and grow up. Your not above me or anyone else in this forum or in life. One day you’ll learn this, but take the short cut to happiness, and you’ll find it doesn’t last. All the best to you...
In life there are many good people, more good than bad in my experience. Markus is a passive aggresive which speaks volumes to me. I see his style and he may like to intimidate others but i'll call him on it every time. His type of help, if thats what you call it, I can do without. People buy...
My guess is you got screwed at some point in your life and you can't get over it. So now you try and project how savy and smart you are because you know your not the sharpest tool in the shed.
I checked on ebay and there's nobody making a profit flipping anything, you can take some time off...
Yes, I posted when I purchased it and also listed on ebay, its my business to buy and sell and certainly no crime or frankly not any of your business Markus. Have you any idea about marketing? Wouldnt it be great to sell it at a profit before its even delivered? I've done that many times...
Thank you dragracer! I really appreciate your input and I’m very excited about it too if you can’t tell ha.
You and I are in the same boat. I’ve only recently heard of them as well and like you I started with finding a tank but now kind of building around that. It’s not as big as it appears...
My UPS Driver wheeled up this nice package today. It appears like more work than I expected after making a deal on CL in Denver the guy shipped it to me in WI. So now what direction to go? I have always went to OEM parts on my motorcycles and trading up for better parts as they came up, all the...
Thanks for the great advice. I believe you are spot on. You know some bikes have alot of parts available this one does not. So glad to hear you say that because I am seeing what could work out to be very nice and be much more affordable.
I appreceate the help with those wheels. Thinking of a...
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