Search results

  1. T

    Motovox 80

    Ok thanks for the reply. I hadn't actually searched for the flange yet but that would work if I have to go that route.
  2. T

    Motovox 80

    I have a motovox 80. I put a honda gc160 5hp on it. I am in search of a complete exhaust for it to replace my homemade one. The ones I have seen on online vendors don't have the bends I need. I can either go back along the motor (tradition style, parallel to the ground) or out and straight...
  3. T

    New rides entry: 1977 Yamaha GT80

    Plan is to eventually give it a paint scheme to match my 400b.
  4. T

    New rides entry: 1977 Yamaha GT80

    I am finally getting around to this. 1980 Yamaha MX80. Rusty but all there (except kickstand), piston was stuck (new one on the way then a bore job), tank is dent free and a nice seat... I got it for free a few years ago Ive always wanted a yamy mini enduro, this is close... Dan
  5. T

    li indian

    OUCH I think I found a 5HP motor but would a 2hp at least get me roliing?
  6. T

    li indian

    I just aqquired what I think is a 60's lil indian bike. The bike has a 2hp briggs motor. The previous owner painted the frame nice, new wheels, tires, and chain. While I am sure this is not the original motor, it seems good. It starts easily and sounds nice. My question is, it won't pull me...