So I started the build on my 212 predator and have a couple questions.
1) instead of getting a top plate throttle linkage I just got the $9 linkage kit from OldMiniBikes. Does anyone have pictures on how to install it once the governor is removed?
2) There is a bendy piece of metal that is mounted...
1) How could they prove it is more that 50cc without taking it apart other than size? 2) How would it ruin it for anyone else because you say they would want to bust minibikes, but they can only bust you for riding on roads anyways? So you run the risk yourself if you do that.
I live in Missouri and was wondering if it is even possible to register a minibike if you make it street legal.
Do you think you could trick people to think a 212cc predator is a 49cc engine if the predator has a aftermarket header, exhaust and separate gas tank to where it looks smaller and...
Does anyone happen to know which pipe would work. I have a original frame db30 with a predator and no mounting plate it is mounted on the original plate. The exhaust on the OldMiniBikes website has a underseat mini bike pipe with muffler, then a tall version. Does anyone know which one fits better?
Can someone give me directions on how to install the billet rod? I can find videos on everything I need but the rod. I have found one video where a guy uses plastic gauge string and measures the "oil clearance". Is that necessary or can I just bolt it right in?
That's what I said I am already getting the flywheel and rod and am picking out what I want before I buy it. Some one else said it would be better to stick with 18 lb because there would be less wear but if I get better rockers would it be fine two get 26lb
Thank you for the info I was wanting to spend under 100 on a cam and it is going on my original db30. The gearing already gets me off on a quick start (it will pop wheelies with a stock predator) so would it be better to get a mid range can?
I want to get a different cam. On OldMiniBikes would the f-275 Grind, welded lobe be to much for 18 lb springs and stock valve train. Would it be better to stick with the mod 2 grind cam?
I don't know why you have to be rude I just want to build a minibike for Christmas and was confused so I thought I could just ask a person with experience for help.
I don't really have a budget I am just going to figure out what I want first then buy it.
And what am I suppose to do when I take apart the engine? What does in the hole mean? And if I got a longer rod wouldn't I need a bigger gasket.
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