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  1. B

    Off-road Predator 212 build...

    Yep. We'll see how this turns out. May wind up back on a Z50 or something similar for putting around.
  2. B

    Off-road Predator 212 build...

    .036 or .037 on the carb?
  3. B

    Off-road Predator 212 build...

    Hey guys- Working on building up a Predator 212 to go into my DB30 for running around the property. Gonna be throwing a converter on it, instead of a clutch. I'm not looking for top end speed like I think most are. I'd like to have the most torque I can get. Where would you guys...
  4. B


    I'm gonna grab a 212 in the next week or three when I get time and see how she fits. If it doesn't, adios slanted motor plate.
  5. B


    Almost zero street.. Maybe 93% off-road and 7% street. I have a bunch of room to ride and it's all off road. Pretty sure a torque converter will have to happen. What about GoPowerSports? They carrier quality stuff? That'd be fine. I plan on running a header to a pipe out the back under...
  6. B


    Well now we are getting somewhere.. I've got a 75T rear and an 11T front sprocket and the performance is miserable. Zero bottom end. This 79cc has to go. LOL
  7. B

    DIY Cable ends that work!

    Oh man, gotta have ice for the drink! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. B

    DIY Cable ends that work!

    It's "tomorrow." ;) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. B


    I'd say you're right. There are a couple spots on the frame that have been cut off where the battery was. Well good to know. Wonder if the original owner kept the factory sprocket or if they're the same as the gas powered unit. Might explain why the performance is so terrible. Anyone know...
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    Sure, if the 212 has the space vertically I'll just slap it on there. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    I guess I'll be fabbing up a new plate. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. B


    But will it fit within the vertical space left from the new mount I wonder. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. B


    That's what I thought. Yeh, dunno why they went to the 79cc on this project, but they did. I guess we will find out if a 212 will fit or I'll be welding in a new plate. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. B

    New member from Bama...

    Thanks guys. I've finally got enough posts to be able to throw some pics up. My new Mini.
  15. B


    Pretty sure this is a DB30, but can anyone tell me if the motor mount plate is factory? Planning a 212 swap and while I can weld in a new plate if the 212 doesn't fit on this plate, I thought I'd find out if it was factory. In my short time looking at DB30's I've not seen this mount.
  16. B

    230lbs on a Db30 with 212cc and hills?

    Thanks, I'll check them out.
  17. B

    230lbs on a Db30 with 212cc and hills?

    Yep, my plan is to set it up properly for my weight and performance expectations. Just wanted to make sure my goals are attainable. I don't need top end. Just looking for the low end grunt to carry my portly self up some mild hills.
  18. B

    230lbs on a Db30 with 212cc and hills?

    Any suggestions on a TAV that people seem to like the best?
  19. B

    230lbs on a Db30 with 212cc and hills?

    So, it's not going to have any issues getting up a hill? My 79cc goes fine, once it gets "on plane" but with all the little hills around here, it doesn't have a chance. I have to get off and walk it up the hill just to turn around and go the other direction..
  20. B

    230lbs on a Db30 with 212cc and hills?

    Ok, so my only experience with Mini Bikes (if they count) is Honda Z50's. I've had a bunch of them, well long story short house fire took all of them several years ago. Haven't gotten back into it until this week. My kids are finally getting old enough to play too, soo, I bought a DB30 and I'm...