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  1. E

    Drum brakes intermittently grabbing?

    I don't think I can buy that cam independently that I know of? If I'm looking for a bushing I feel like I'm going to have to order that from a specialty place like Fastenal, at which point in time it might just be easier to buy a whole new brake assembly.
  2. E

    Drum brakes intermittently grabbing?

    Yeah I need to pull the wheel and brake and firstly see if it is dragging and secondly at minimum file it down. I can see if I can find a bushing that'll fit in there, that might be a challenge.
  3. E

    Drum brakes intermittently grabbing?

    Sounds like your last two posts indicate it might be time to replace that rear brake assembly. A few I see on Amazon don't have great reviews, and one lists two different sizes, neither of which matches mine even though it says it fits the ct200u -ex. I rode down to my friend's house down the...
  4. E

    Drum brakes intermittently grabbing?

    Ahh, as far as I can tell these are the stock parts. Even the shoes I removed were the same size. I did see an Amazon listing with different size shoes. They're cheap enough I might have to try that for the heck of it.
  5. E

    Drum brakes intermittently grabbing?

    Are you referring to the happy between the assembly and the shoes?
  6. E

    Drum brakes intermittently grabbing?

    So quick update, it dried up enough to run around some. Immediately with the new shoes the bike has solid braking performance (for a drum) with no intermittent grabbing etc. However after dragging the brake for a while to get it scrubbed in it start pulsing with speed while pulling the brake...
  7. E

    Drum brakes intermittently grabbing?

    I'll have to double check and report back
  8. E

    Drum brakes intermittently grabbing?

    Hopefully it dries up enough tomorrow afternoon that I can give it a shakedown around the neighborhood and see how things go. Right now the bike does not roll very freely while being pushed, and I can't tell if it's parasitic drag from the belts of the torque converter, or if it's the rear brake...
  9. E

    Drum brakes intermittently grabbing?

    Well... I put the old rim/tire wheel back on with the new pads. And hooked up the chain and brake. Fired up the bike and ran it with the wheel in the air. The new pads stop without grabbing intermittently, and the wheel free spins at idle with it in the air. But when the brake ferrule is...
  10. E

    Drum brakes intermittently grabbing? Thanks @pomfish but it's doing it even when the cable is disconnected and I'm activating it by hand I genuinely don't know what else it could be. I dont think I understand how "burning...
  11. E

    Drum brakes intermittently grabbing? Also, here's OD and ID measurements. I checked the wheel in 3-4 different spots with the same result. Same with the brakes.
  12. E

    Drum brakes intermittently grabbing?

    Also that video of everything mounted back to, I pushed the shaft all the way outside the drum housing and tightened down the clamp nut to stop the forward and backwards movement.
  13. E

    Drum brakes intermittently grabbing?

    @sparkwizard in re: to your last Q: There was a slight mfg lip on the edge of the drum housing. In the vise setup I used some 1000 grit sandpaper and spun it and cleaned it up. Sorry, I recorded these at different times and I'm too lazy to go to my laptop and since them together
  14. E

    Drum brakes intermittently grabbing?

    Now that is something to consider... I'm going to have to check that this evening, the inside of my drum assembly looks damn near identical to that. Yeah, I do, that part really adds a layer of complexity I'm not quite sure I understand yet lol So it's not snug to the shoe cam post (assuming...
  15. E

    Drum brakes intermittently grabbing?

    For what it's worth, while the bike has been in the air and gotten new shoes I haven't had that happen again. Is just the intermittent grabbing now
  16. E

    Drum brakes intermittently grabbing?

    The squeaking was coinciding with the brake grabbing. So, yeah it definitely was the shoe rubbing on the drum housing. Since then though I've given the bike a good wash and cleaned out the brake drum etc. It's still intermittently grabbing. In my head it made sense it was squeaking because they...
  17. E

    Drum brakes intermittently grabbing?

    Correct, but it's very infrequent that was happening.
  18. E

    Drum brakes intermittently grabbing?

    Yeah right now I have the bike up on a block of wood so the rear is off the ground. I've kept the chain off so I can focus solely on the wheel and brake and not hand the belts or chain causing any outside interference.
  19. E

    Drum brakes intermittently grabbing?

    I wouldn't call it pulsating as much as it feels like the drum hub is out of round, so as it goes around it grabs, lets go, grabs, let's go. Of course this frequency picks up with speed. The lever has a pretty consistent feel when this is happening. However, occasionally the brake lever will...
  20. E

    Drum brakes intermittently grabbing?

    Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not expert here, I'm just trying to give my best description of info to help :D Yeah the springs are new, came with the new shoes and everything operates as they should (as far as I know)