I was wondering if anyone would have the specs for a Jincheng 50cc horizontal engine or know where I could find them? I'm obviously not looking in the right place.
I need valve clearances, plug gap, etc. I'm assuming the specs might be the same or similar to a Lifan engine.
Thank you!
Sounds like you have a good foundation for a build, and a good plan for the engine build as well.
I made my own seat using a piece of 1/2" plywood. It's a lot stronger than the plastic crap that comes on these bikes.
I'll see if I can find a pic of it to post.
Thanks Dan.
You would think they'd keep substantial stock of these things. I'm sure there's still a shitload of them in China...they just haven't made their way here yet. :shrug:
I have the master cylinder/ brake lever...just waiting for the right caliper.
Yeah, the MBX11 front forks have...
Where did you find your hydraulic brake caliper from? I have a few, but they're the opposite bolt pattern for a DB...still the 2" bolt spread.
I also have an MBX10 with a mild (governed) Predator Hemi.
I'll continue to follow your build thread. Keep up the good work! :thumbsup:
I just got over reading your Motovox build thread. Nice job...the bike came out sweet. I dig the Doodlebug fenders on there compared to the crappy MV plastic fenders. They give the bike a nice old school appearance. I like the paint scheme as well.
Still looking for the right elbow type manifold. Anyone parting out a Honda Z50 or mini trail...or would be kind enough to take some measurements for me? At least with some dimensions I can even look toward an aftermarket intake manifold. I appreciate it.
Thank you once again. I did check out that site and I was pretty impressed with the amount of cool parts that they carry.
I appreciate the information and suggestions.
Oh, a question about the hydraulic caliper. The one I noticed on the site has a slightly wider bolt pattern...at least another...
I would think Hot rod Minibike would make good for the caliper, unless you bought it awhile back and it's past it's warranty period.
Sure, let me know. I'm pretty sure I won't be using the caliper(s). Hot rod minibike was out of stock on their hydraulic brake kits, but would sell the...
Did you buy the hydraulic brake kit specifically for the DB30? The reason I ask is that there's two different bolt configurations.
I bought a DB caliper kit for my Motovox and it's not a direct bolt on. In OldMiniBikes's description, they make it sound like it's a simple adaptation...which is BS...
Thanks man. I don't know if I want to do a long distance deal with China. I'm not prejudiced, but I'm sure the part would probably take weeks to receive... It's certainly cheap enough.
Has anyone ever bought parts from the far east?
Also, the shape isn't your typical elbow intake.
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