Search results

  1. VeritableFox

    Tecumseh Motorsports Engine.

    What's shipping to MN for the motorsports engine? Or not doing shipping at all? I'd be interested but my parents are out in North Port area during the winter on the west side of the state so it would be a few months before they're even in state.
  2. VeritableFox

    Our minibike guru gone?

    Wow, this sucks. I'm sorry to hear he passed. It seems like Markus was doing what he loved right up to the end. I hope he's smiling down on us right now as we continue the passion he shared.
  3. VeritableFox

    Is building a 196cc engine worth it? Should i use TQ or just build

    As long as the 196 has a 3/4" shaft I'd just strap a TC on it. The primary differences between a 196 and a 212 are a 68mm vs 70mm piston as I recall. The HP rating is the same on both and 212's are usually rated at 0.1 ft/lb more torque than a 196 when stock. At the point I'd replace a 196 I...
  4. VeritableFox

    Post your cars!

    Well, this thing turned into quite a project just to get it fully rolling reliably. It has gotten a new aluminum radiator, new v-belt water pump (the one that was on it was for a serpentine belt and pushed the wrong way), temp sensor, thermostat and housing, and temp gauge. Which means the...
  5. VeritableFox

    2024 engine options

    I'm not sure about brand, but PVL makes almost all of them whether their name is on it or not. The coil spec can vary depending on if you buy something like a 212r or a specific class racing engine since you can get an LO206 with something like 5 different limited coils. However, most baseline...
  6. VeritableFox

    2024 engine options

    Pretty much any coil limited box engine like a Tillotson 212r or Predator Ghost would work. They're all based off the Honda GX200 like your 196 clone is.
  7. VeritableFox

    Briggs and Stratton Blue Wazoom

    I know this much about Methanol, I don't want to be caught in a fire from it.
  8. VeritableFox

    where to find vw bus bodies

    Interesting, and the price isn't obscene either like some of the golf cart bodies floating around out there.
  9. VeritableFox

    Well it’s my own fault for trying to be nice for once…

    OK. I wasn't aware of the details of the deal since that was between you and him. I just know he's not on here very often and wanted to be sure there wasn't a problem on my Dad and I's end. Still, sorry about the scammer. It breaks a lot of trust every time it happens and ends with situations...
  10. VeritableFox

    Well it’s my own fault for trying to be nice for once…

    Belleville? Bellevue? I'm not aware of a Belleville in NE. Either way, if it's Bellevue, be careful out there in Omaha. Drivers have interesting habits in that town. Regardless of that I'm sorry that someone was dishonest with you. Also, I'm fairly certain this isn't about the crank you sold my...
  11. VeritableFox

    I'd if you can

    Blue was very common for Fox mini bikes, the advertising I posted happens to show red but the 3 sprite/bug frames I've seen were all blue. The jackshaft mount was rarely used. It's not a sprite because of the suspension forks, larger wheels, no scrub brake making it either a doodle bug or trail...
  12. VeritableFox

    I'd if you can

    Correct. It lacks the smaller wheels and scrub brake a sprite had.
  13. VeritableFox

    Do I Really Need a Torque Wrench?

    As noted, the HF wrenches are dirt cheap and testing videos I've seen of them shows they tend to stay in spec for as long as a hobbyist would use one. It's really easy to get the torque wrong when done by hand and on something like a head that can cause running issues. You don't really need...
  14. VeritableFox

    OK, what is it?

    Started life as some sort of Tote Gote by the looks of it. Someone more knowledgeable will be along to fill in.
  15. VeritableFox

    Post your cars!

    Thanks, I'll post an update picture down the line when it gets repainted and the interior finished. It doesn't even have door panels right now, just the bench seat, belts, and bare necessities of driving. Except the drivers side blinkers, those don't blink. That's 99.99% likely a ground issue I...
  16. VeritableFox

    Post your cars!

    I haven't really been doing much with my mini bikes because of this '78 F150. Finally got plates for it yesterday and today it's getting tires. Really only gotten my 212 built and on my small bike and the 107ss installed in my Briggs model 13. It's been a desire to have a truck for truck things...
  17. VeritableFox

    Alsport universal joint part number?

    Here is a site with links to PDFs of the manuals for different models.
  18. VeritableFox

    Do you need a billet rod and flywheel for governer stuff?

    Rather than zip tying the governor some of the easiest mods you can make to a 196 clone cost nothing. The second easiest costs less than $20 normally. On the governor arm itself there are several holes the governor linkage can be set to. Putting that the furthest out so the governor itself pulls...
  19. VeritableFox

    Freak-Bikes, Homemades, Customs, Frankenbikes & Oddballs

    It took me a few minutes to figure out what is going on here, but they custom built a head with overhead valves, didn't they? That is both impressive and terrifying.
  20. VeritableFox

    What make is this bike

    Sears Allstate? Edit: Drover Edit: That or a Bird