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  1. S

    Skat kitty help

    Thanks, so far all I've done is clean it up. Still need a few parts
  2. S

    Skat kitty help

    Can someone tell me what size axle and spacers are needed for this and where to find them. Not sure the year but #1097. Would like to get this kitty going again, thanks
  3. S

    Skat kitty info?

  4. IMG_20170521_094205824_HDR


    Scat kitty project
  5. IMG_20170521_094036150_HDR


    Scat kitty project
  6. IMG_20170521_094010976_HDR


    Scat kitty project
  7. IMG_20170521_093954067_HDR


    Scat kitty project
  8. IMG_20170520_140827667


    Scat kitty project
  9. S

    Skat kitty info?

    New to the forum and trying to get info on my skat kitty. I've seen here that there are different models etc. How to tell which is which. Kitty has some parts missing but not many. Has # 1097. Any info or help is appreciated.
  10. S

    New to the forum

    Just joined, hoping to find info on a skat kitty. Looks like this is the place