

    how do you determine the proper ratio for 1/8th mile drag bikes?

    the title says it all how do you know the correct sprockets to use for single speed bikes running the 1/8th mile drag strip :confused:
  2. graygoose420

    Nov. 5th barona 1/8th mile drags

    Who's in ? This is a Jr dragster and mini bike outing . 1/8 racing . Who's in ? I hope its not hot. :thumbsup:
  3. maddcarson

    *****barona 1/8th mile drag strip****

    BARONA 1/8TH MILE DRAG STRIP Date: SUNDAY, JULY 31st Gates Open : 8am Race Time: 10:00am-4:00pm...
  4. mmisterbungl

    1/8th scale buggies

    Anyone actively into these? I have a box of tires sitting here that are in good shape and most annoyingly, in the way. I'll ship them to you free if you pay the shipping. Crime Fighters on the white rims and Jolly's I think are the other ones on the yellow. If you run these money-pit r/c...