
  1. Not so mini bike

    Cat handle bars.

    Looking for a good set of cat handle bars. Let me know what you have. I have parts for trade or cash. Let me know.
  2. oldsledz

    High rise handle bars

    Dose anyone know where to buy new high rise handle bars without the center made for a bicycle ?
  3. Iron Honky

    Ruttman pak mule bars

    Decent set of handlebars and clamps from a pak mule. Asking $30 plus shipping. 14" rise.
  4. alex eliminator

    Cat 400x bars

    I'm looking for cat 400x,eliminator bars. Also cat spring with cups. If anyone have anything laying around let me know thanks
  5. smudvapor

    Handle Bars

    What is a good source for chrome handlebars?
  6. hemigremmy

    Ape hanger bars

    Anybody got a set of ape hanger like bars? These are for a friends project and wouldn't have to be really big, like an old set off of a banana seat bike or something along those lines.
  7. B

    WTB: CAT Slingshot frame, straight fork and bars with sissy bar and seat. OR Roller!

    WTB: CAT Slingshot frame, straight fork with bars, sissy bar and seat or will buy semi complete roller. Possible trades? Thanks.
  8. RideSF

    WTB Bonanza fenders, Bonanza Bc1400 handle bars and kickstand

    Looking for fenders for bc1200/1300 Bc1400 handle bars Bc1200 kick stand Thanks OldMiniBikes
  9. markus

    Cherry throttle grip needed 7/8" bars

    Looking for the "Sonny to my Cher", need the THROTTLE side match to this cherry japan made grip for 7/8" bars so its actualy a 1" grip, with or without the throttle assembly as I have plenty of donors of those. Decent shape, scratches and some wear OK but no blown out or ripped outside end...
  10. S

    7/8in high rise handle bars needed

    I need some high rise handle bars for a project but i cant for the life of me find some 7/8ths high rise bars. I just got new twist throttle and brake handles. Anyone selling some or know where i can get some???
  11. cpu77

    Can someone recommend a nice soft grip for 7/8 bars?

    I am looking for nice soft grips for 7/8 handle bars. Can people make recommendations? Thanks Ralph
  12. Fatboy04

    Cat 300X Handle bars

    For Sale Cat 300X Handle Bars Not that bad of shape, $35.00 plus shipping Pay Pal as a friend is fine Can be picked up in Cedar Rapids Iowa
  13. R

    68 Rupp Handle bars

    Looking for 68 Rupp Handlebars for my XL 350
  14. Thad

    Tx-6 broncco front wheel, brake assembly front, handle bars needed.

    As said in the title I also need the front fender and seat. Any advice on where to find a carb kit would also be great. This is the coffin tank model with the Marinelli Thank you!
  15. John G.

    Cat Handle Bars

    Really nice cat bars from a cat Endura. Original chrome is in excellent condition, no need to re chrome these. Straightest cat bars ive ever seen, no bends, breaks or re welds. Chrome has slight surface scratches from use and polishing but is still bright and shiney. Back of face plate is...
  16. mini one

    Lil Indian Sabre Forks and Bars

    The kind with the plastic knobs and fold down bars (the kind that just sold here in yellow with a frame, but I was too slow to get:anon.sml:)
  17. Abit1322

    Handle bars

    Does anyone know where I can get a pair of bars for this bike? any info on the bike would be cool too. I'm looking to restore it back to cool again so I need all I can get. Thx
  18. LoneWolfLBDB

    Wheelie Bars

    Decided to build my own....3/4' sq rod...1/4" flat plate....Bolted together..except cross brace..its welded...Wheels from a dolly. Bolted to motor mount plate...easily removable...Brace bolts to fender brace....Now to strip bike down down to paint flat black and red wheels...rat rod...
  19. H

    Repurposed Cat Eliminator Bars

    I couldn't sell them for the cost of a chrome job, and got tired of looking at them. Now they'll serve as the exhaust on a GC motor sitting in a Powell.
  20. JohnnyTillotson

    What forks and bars are on this?

    Picked this up Saturday and its driving me crazy cuz I know I've seen these support bars on chopper forks before. Does anyone know what front end this Powerdyne Chopper is sportin'? Or maybe a previous owner did it? There is other weirdness like LIMTCO wheels and a pretty cool exhaust zip...