Here's the caliper you guys are looking for from time to time.
Vintage Lil Indian Speedway Minibike Kart Brake Caliper : eBay Motors (item 260598870623 end time May-15-10 18:36:00 PDT)
one of my bikes is "brakeless" i was looking around one day for ideas on making it have brakes and ran into the idea of mounting a brake caliper and using the srocket as the disc, any opinions???
I have a Carlisle disc caliper brake assembly I plan to use , does anyone using the same have some pictures they could post so I can kind of get and idea on how Im going to set mine up. Thanks
Hey guys, just posted up an auction for a complete brake caliper that was used on Lil Indian and speedway minibikes. Feel free to check it out if you are interested.
speedway lil indian minibike mini bike disc brake - eBay (item 130334372244 end time Oct-05-09 20:29:07 PDT)
eBay item number: 280394347981 Ended at $77.50
Description said: "Excellent condition, just glass beaded".
I have an NOS one of those, so mine should go for about $100 right ?
Oh YEAH...........I'll be eating steak again.
can anyone show or send me a pic of a mounted cat eliminator disc brake caliper pic? im almost done on my restoration but want to make sure i get it right... thanks
Was doing some more cleaning in the garage and found half of a cat 400X brake caliper, Its the side with the actuator. It doesnt have the pucks and looks like 1 dowel pin is missing? (easy to make one) Shipping is from 52154, Make an offer.
I picked up this Rupp for $30 (no engine) and I haven't been able to figure out exactly what is missing from the rear caliper brake setup. I think there should be some sort of pins or ? to engage the caliper on the sprocket when you squeeze the brake lever.
Does anyone have this setup and can...
The pictures below show a Limtco Caliper mounted on a Cat minibike.
Just a little filing, a couple of small bushings, and you're ready to go(or stop).
And backing up the camera.......
I am looking for the rear brake caliper set up for a 1970 HPE (Muskin) Cat 400x.Has anyone got one, or know a model that would fit? I bought a genereric caliper on ebay but it would not fit. The 1 5/8" mounting bolt centers were o.k. but it is to thick it would rub the tire, and the cable arm...
Ok I am very new to this minibike world and have a quick question for you. I just received a Lil Indian mini bike with a small 3.5hp motor. There are no brakes on the bike but it does look like it used to have them.
The left side frame at the rear has a flat bar two hole mounting bracket...
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