Is there a tank that has the fill location on the right hand side instead of the center? The way it is now is a pain in the a?? to fill. I dont see any on ebay... any help would be great....thanks
VOID NOT VON Is being a collector the same thing as being a hoarder? Is being a collector a mental condition? Lets take minibikes they are fun they may remind you of a happier time they may be an investment or a challenge or a tool for social interaction I don't know but one void that they fill...
Looking for a good/nice condition side fill gas tank(s). I have 4 Tecumseh's I'm looking to redo in white so any help is greatly appreciated may even consider about the metal tanks like the Bonanza bc1100 just bigger... THANKS!!!!!
I know this is a long shot but would anyone happen to know what the thread size is of the oil filler hole on side covers. Also would anyone happen to have one or know where I could get one. Thanks Rick.
I have a nice clean 5hp briggs top fill tank for a pull choke pulsa-jet that I will trade for a nice corner fill, lever action choke style pulsa-jet gas tank.( Raptor style). just tank for tank, no carbs involved.....
Looking for a side fill tank for an HS40 (for an ST100 project)... in good condition, would prefer metal, but if all else fails, plastic would be fine till i can find a metal one... motor should be silver when finished... current motor has a plastic center fill tank in great condition (new)...
i needed to take a break from writing code for the electronic system
so here's what i did today:
a while back rayvel shipped me out two cast aluminum bonanza
kidney bean wheels that had chucks removed. i filled in the
missing chunks with aluminum wire that the mighty mig welder
deposited. the...
I have been working on a 3hp side popper for my Manco mini and today I came to the realization that the fuel tank is mounted on the back of the engine and will be impossible to refuel. I have a junk 5hp with the tank on the front of the engine the problem is the fill cap interferes with the tank...
I have a brand new side fill tank from an HS50. Comes with bottom bracket and bolt, $25.00 plus shipping...or make an interesting trade!
DOH! Pic problem
If anyone can help me with a few parts to finish a some projects?
I'm in need of a black tecumseh side fill gas tank with brackets and cap for a HS50 (see pictured) and I also need a tecumseh air filter assembly with base to mount to the carb (also see pictured).
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