unknown mini bike

  1. S

    Scooter with mini bike qualities

    Im usually good at finding info myself, but I haven’t been able to figure this thing out for years. It used to have a sticker on the front guard that said Apache Motors. It appears to have provisions for a side car and possibly a small hitch for a trailer on the end. Located in utah. Motor is a...
  2. Np02

    Help identify??

    About 2 years ago I bought a mini bike to mess around with and had zero knowledge about them going in. I bought a "Ruttman mini-bike" on the higher priced side as I wanted something in better condition and wouldn't require much maintenance. I've recently have been wanting to give it an upgrade...
  3. R

    What did I buy?

    Hey guys. First time noobie here. I bought this mini bike since it actually has a suspension, unlike my Doodle Bug which slams you down if you hit the tiniest bump, and I was wondering if anyone knew who made this bike. I've looked all over the bike, but I couldn't find anything that would show...
  4. R

    Help identify my bike!

    Recieved this mini bike from a relative for free..unused for years so wanting to fix the bike up so it at least runs. :laugh: I can upload more pictures of it if needed. Extra pics: https://flic.kr/s/aHsktDCcvL ("internals pictures" etc) Specs: 2 stroke 12v 7ah Battery powered startup Its quite...
  5. HappyRyan

    Manco one of a kind???

    Howdy y'all! I have looked for weeks to match this little bugger up to SOMETHING! There are many like it but nothing matches it to a tee. :no: HELP! Thanks for looking and someone please put an end to my madness.
  6. L

    Please help identify this minibike

    this is an old minibike i have had and i figured i wanted to start working on it so i would appreciate it if anybody can identify it so i can start buying parts. it seems to have been a blue before it started to get surface rust. i looked all over for a brand but could not find one. i looked on...
  7. CountDrugula

    Identity help... Looks like a rupp but is not

    My dad acquired this bike a few years back. No information on who manufactured it. Any help on identifying this unique bike would be greatly appreciated. By the way, the bike does not look like this anymore. I have repainted every part. Pictures will be posted later. :confused: :shrug:
  8. TKEminirider

    new guy from texas.

    ive done a couple of mini bike projects and am working on a third. check it out and let me know what you guys think and maybe a couple of suggestions.6.5 Monster Minibike - YouTube
  9. M

    Do you know what I have?

    I recently purchased this minibike. It has front and rear shocks and adjustable handlebars. It looks like some of the Alexander Reynolds pictures that are posted on this site, but the gas tank is in a different place. The frame does not have any numbers and it did not come with a motor. I am...
  10. R

    What Kind of Mini Bike is this?

    Hi I aquired this Old Mini Bike from a friend cleaning out his Grandfathers old barn. It was siiting in the back covered up. Can anyone Identify what type of Mini Bike this is and the round about yr? The engine looks obviously newer than the frame so its not the original motor. The frame looks...