I am lining up a budget and parts sources for a possible upcoming build, 1/2" axles would work the best in this application or worst case a stepped down to 1/2" on the ends (but I already have the 1/2 id bearings in stock). I would like the threaded end on both sides type axles though if possible, and in fine thread pitch Like Azusa offers. I was checking the usual suppliers and only seeing 5/8" and one suppler does have some axle bolts in 1/2 but with course thread. I would be tempted to try and thread some 1/2", of course I can only do that by hand though and I dont know how doable that is or what type of steel rod to use that would be strong enough.
Any idea's of where to look or how to go about it? thanks
Any idea's of where to look or how to go about it? thanks