3 stage header pipe

So im curious....lol If a guy wanted to make this 3 stage pipe into a 2 stage... what would the pro's n con's be? It sticks puurty far out past the frame once ya put a muffler on the end...any ideas or suggestions are sweet and appreciated!:thumbsup:
Will your muffler fit around the smaller diameter tubing? Seeings that there are much smaller pipes being sold like the AKRA wiener pipe, I'd doubt shortening yours would do anything negative. Conventional wisdom is short=upper rpm range/ longer= lower rpm range; when considering torque band/peak.
It should be absolutely safe. Whether it behooves your complete setup or not, that can be determined by someone more in touch with these engines, along with you listing your other modifications.

But I vote for letting it ride. I'd sacrifice a little power in the name of packaging on a mini bike. It should still be more powerful than your stock muffler; and chasing tenths of a horse is something best left to racers, bench or otherwise; IMHO.