Broke belt on torque converter...need advice to fix

I have a Baja (mb165 I believe) mini bike on which I installed a Predator 212 with a Chinese made torque converter from OldMiniBikes Warehouse. The chain rubs a little on the inside of the converter plate so I believe the alignment is off slightly. I installed a new engine mounting plate and drilled holes for the engine mounting bolts and aligned rear sprocket with sprocket on torque converter the best I could. I have the torque converter plate right up against the frame. The only way for me to move engine and realign is to make engine mounting holes in a slot for adjustment and grind off the boss behind one of the holes for the plastic cover on inside of torque converter plate. So anyway, my main question is........Is the slight misalignment of the chain the cause of the torque converter belt breaking? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
I don't see how the chain being a little misaligned would cause the belt to break unless it's binding the driven clutch shaft and putting a drag on it.. I would check your clutch alignment and make sure that the rear sheaves are lined up correctly.. make sure the flat side of the belt is against the flat side of the clutch..
Thanks for the advice! I have ordered a replacement belt and when it arrives, I will definitely make sure the flat side of the belt is against the flat side of the clutch. I have never messed with one of these before, so it is entirely possible I had the belt on wrong. And of course the torque converter came with no instructions. Not sure how to make sure clutch is aligned as far as the sheaves, but I am gonna try to make sure it is set up correctly. I may be back again to make sure since help is available here. Again, I appreciate your input!


Well-Known Member
put a straight piece of flatstock against the rear sheave of the driven clutch and slide it forward to the driver and see if it lays flat against the back sheave of the driver.... if there is a gap between the back of the driver and the flatstock you will have to shim the clutch out, if you end up with a gap between the flatstock and the driven sheave the driver will have to be moved inboard or shim the driven out...
if it's a non-symmetric tav the belt may have been put on backwards.

the belt has one side angled and one side is flat. it's possible:thumbsup: