This is 55 minutes of someones life. It was just posted 3 days ago. The machines, tooling and anything associated with a machine shop is unbelievable. The auctioner says it will take a minimum of a year to auction it all off. You watch this and you are just in awe of what is there and then near the end they tell you they havent even been upstairs over the garage yet or in a locked outbuilding yet... They claim that some of the machines are as rare as only 2 or 3 or 4 having ever been made. He has lots of vises that are any size or style imagineable. All the vast majority of his stuff is brand name like DoAll and Starret and Wilton and Hardhinge. It overflows his garage and fills the basement and the entrance to the house and one upstairs bedroom is the library. I watched it and cussed while I cringed every time they opened a drawer to show you what was in it and then slammed the drawer closed.... Thats my pet peave with tool boxes. Dont slam my drawers. Thats how you loose shop privaliges. Its an hour well spent? enjoy it!!!
Tour of a Hoarders Machine Shop - Complete Auction of the Estate of Russell Garens (
Tour of a Hoarders Machine Shop - Complete Auction of the Estate of Russell Garens (