CT70 engine swap Lifan 125

First off i just dug an old honda ct70 out of a barn and i am not really up for trying to restore the engine to working order again. Therefore i would like to buy the lifan 125 for 200 bucks off amazon. From what ive heard it should just bolt right on correct? Second, what other things will i need in terms of wiring (or anything else) will i need? Much appreciated OldMiniBikes community!!!
The $50 shipping is steep, but $208 ain't bad. The front-clutch limits adding HP later, and the 1-d 3-u trans needs to be shifted non-abusively. Iron jug. But, the harness is plug & play. To run the lights, you need to regulate to 6v or convert to 12v. Cylinder/engine is 15mm longer, so exhaust will be pulled forward, and a bracket made for rear mounts. You'll need a remote petcock and an air filter. May have to add spacers under peg bar to clear the wider clutch cover. Engine may have a 428 sprocket and/or the odd 20mm shaft v the 17 Honda. If the CT isn't a manual-clutch H model, you need a lever, perch, cable. If it is, it's worth restoring.
If i do decide to take the plunge and attempt to get the engine running how likely do you think it is i will need to replace the condenser and points? And what else do you think i might run in to? Is there a guide somewhere to restoring these engines? Thanks a bunch guys