Has anyone here installed a mikuni on their MB 200?

check your carb again then.
you might be leaking fuel into the cylinder after shutoff and thats why it wont turn over easy.
just like if you laid the bike on its side,its hydro locked.
ty for that link too.
Thank you sir. I shall try the yellow wire thing, although I don't get it. I plugged the hole in the intake cover when I installed the carb too. Maybe unblocking it will do something? what do I know?

I am pretty much the victim of the 50/50/90 rule.
If your valve cover breather is still plugged you need to unplug it. Best to run it to a filter or catch can like Gumpit said.
check your carb again then.
you might be leaking fuel into the cylinder after shutoff and thats why it wont turn over easy.
just like if you laid the bike on its side,its hydro locked.
ty for that link too.
You're welcome, and thank you.

If your valve cover breather is still plugged you need to unplug it. Best to run it to a filter or catch can like Gumpit said.
I unplugged it before my ride this morning. I suppose it's possible that could have an effect on the carb too. Going to readjust it and see.
Jeezez it's always something I guess, at least until I get it right.
I think I found a fuel delivery problem this morning, that might be my issue, I'll look at it later.

The oil sensor was not my problem. I'm guessing this^^^

Next deal. This morning I took a ride, when I got to my destination, I turned it off. When I went to start it, I almost broke my hand and ripped my arm out of its socket when I pulled the rope. There was massive compression or vacuum not allowing me to pull it easily.
I finally got it started.
What's this all about???
You can not ( or shouldn't ) block off the vent tube on the valve cover , that is your crankcase ventilation , you use the stock rubber tube and connect it to a little breather filter you can buy at Advance or Auto Zone , you can make a little L bracket and attach it to something ( or tie wrap it ) to support it !!
You can not ( or shouldn't ) block off the vent tube on the valve cover , that is your crankcase ventilation , you use the stock rubber tube and connect it to a little breather filter you can buy at Advance or Auto Zone , you can make a little L bracket and attach it to something ( or tie wrap it ) to support it !!
Thanks Chipper!
I think I found 2 causes for my problems. I put too long of a fuel line on in anticipation of putting a fuel filter inline, and also restricted some flow with my fuel line mod. I changed that up, and things should improve. Also I'm pretty sure the gas may have been contaminated with water during our last down pour.
I'll see tomorrow.
keep in mind that when you lean it over far enough the float may be able to drop down and allowing fuel to flow causing it to flood out as well as hydro-lock
Strange. I've been there a number of times, and none of the buttons worked on the left side. Now they do.

It appears I'm having a real problem with this carb. The engine keeps locking up when off, and then trying to start it again.
I changed fuel so it isn't water in the gas, it's gas leaking into the cylinder and crankcase.
I'm going to take the bowl off tomorrow and check the float and needle for debris or whatever. I'll also change the oil twice once I find the problem. I haven't seen any fuel coming out of the overflow though.
Any other suggestions guys? This carb is being a real challenge.
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