I would drill it and tap it on the lathe :thumbsup: Much easier to make a small spacer than hope you cut the grove in the right place :shrug: Bike looks beautiful Doc :thumbsup:
I already cut the groove into the shaft Wednesday morning Papa. It wasn't too difficult but grinding the bit took forever. I ground it to a straight cut off of .060 and the E-clip fits into the groove beautifully. I spent quite a bit of time with a helper marking the location and it's spot on. Just to let you know, if this had failed then there would have been a 5/16" NF thread put into the shaft. I always have that to fall back on if for some reason the E-clip should not work. I am grateful to the man who owns the shop who allowed me to come in and use his lathe. It's hard to find someone who will let you just walk in and use their equipment. I am going to buy him a bottle of Christian Brothers Brandy (his favorite) as I used his Bridgeport to drill the handlebars also. I sure don't want to abuse the kindness!
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