Why should Assault rifles be available to the general public and not just to Military and Law enforcement?
Here's why...
The second amendment was never intended to keep you safe from a crack head coming through your bedroom window. The second amendment was to insure that the People would never again be subjected to tyranny by the government. Ours, or someone elses.
A balance of power of sorts. There's no way an equally armed army can overtake millions of equally armed citizens, so they won't even try.
Now, give the army M16's, and limit the citizens to shotguns, & you have a problem. It is that balance of power that makes us different from any other nation in the world. Take assault weapons away from citizens of Syria and replace then with shotguns. How would things look there as to prospects for freedom?
US citizens have "certain inalienable rights" that people have died for. And yet some are willing to cast them aside with abandon. They are truly clueless, and it saddens me.
If you're ever in the area, stop by the Veterans' Cemetery in north Phoenix. At #30-152 you'll find a grave marker for a USAF SMSGT with the wording... WWII Korea Vietnam. Leave a tall can of Bud (for God's sake not Bud Lite) there.. he'd like that.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.