kids Homemade Mini Bike

bonanza, you are right, i ask questions about EVERYTHING. thats cool because i never said i knew more then anyone. I never said i knew anything really. Im just standin up for the kid because hes not a member here to stand up himself. Its not a big deal. just remember no one is better then anyone.


Well-Known Member
WOW i really didn't think this thread would go 5+ pages:doah
kid really gets into his minbike. smart little guy:smile:and he can ride too. i like the way he comes to a stop. couple more years he will be able to run circles around most of the guys here:doah:..ha....ha...
you think that kid going to be a gearhead when he go's up.....:scooter:
This isn't a homemade bike, I actually MAKE my minibikes, everything from Welding the frame to creating a sprocket adapter. I'm sorry but I work hard so I may call my bikes "HomeMade" and when someone buys a bike, adds somthing, and calls it "HomeMade" It really annoys me. I'm 15, and been making my owns stuff since I was 10.
Bought everything myself, NO help from anyone, not even my parents, and I still have my bikes.


Growing up is optional
All Righty then! Don't take it personal. But we would really like to see pictures of you're handywork, and welcome to the OldMiniBikes>
This isn't a homemade bike, I actually MAKE my minibikes, everything from Welding the frame to creating a sprocket adapter. I'm sorry but I work hard so I may call my bikes "HomeMade" and when someone buys a bike, adds somthing, and calls it "HomeMade" It really annoys me. I'm 15, and been making my owns stuff since I was 10.
Bought everything myself, NO help from anyone, not even my parents, and I still have my bikes.
Welcome to the site.:thumbsup: Sorry to be the one to tell you but the youtube bike is totally homemade, not a recognizable feature that ties it to any known minibikes although it does have cues from many. In the beginning they were all homemade and we like em that way, you should see some of the builders here and their work. I do commend you for building your own stuff, you should start a photo gallery and share some of your stuff.:thumbsup:
man, i gotta wonder how some folks here{ you know who you are} can find a helmet that fits their inflated heads:laugh: i don't know alot about the minis yet & don't try to hide it. i'm thankful to be here & have people take the time to answer some of my dumb questions. experience= know-how:scooter: IMHO


Growing up is optional
I wish I knew the answer to that Gerry! I sold it to a kid down the street, and I haven't seen him in over 30 years. Maybe I should try FaceBook.