Knuckles Honda 6.5 GX200 build

picked up a Joes frame with a 5hp engine on friday. The 5hp engine was on its last leg ( took 4 pulls to start and have to stay on throttle just to idle ) . so i traded it for a Honda 6.5 GX200 and gave dude 20 bucks on top. this is my 1st mini bike build so im open to anyone willing to send me in the right direction.

good start, ride hell out of it and do a lot of reading, by now the clone market is saturated with hot rod goodies, read up and see what combos are working in whatever rpm range you wanna run and buy it up and have fun.
woke up this morning and decided im goin to start taking her apart to get painted and prepare her to get some motor work done by a fellow OldMiniBikes member Solo Cali. Pics coming soon
dont really have the money for it to be blasted. would the paint stripper be messy ? working in my uncles garage dont feel like argueing about a stain.


Well-Known Member
Check you tube. Great vids for step by step. For the carb.
You have a wire wheel? And lots of elbow grease. Take that paint right off.
If you use stripper, put a cardboard box flattened out underneath it. Keeps the mess down and your unc off your butt.
Notice what the Xylene in that carb cleaner is doing to your Latex gloves?

Latex offers little protection, get some Neoprene gloves.

Also be aware of the fumes from both a fire and toxicity stand point.

If you have an old slow cooker fill with antin greeze ( Ethelene glycol ) set it for 170F and soak your carb parts for several hours.
Everything wipes off and rinses with water after....

If you read all my posts you will be left with the impression I worked with every toxic material known to man short of Balonium.
Well I worked with a lot of things that have done harm to my health, please becareful and understand the risks of what you do.
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