LIL Indian Steering Bushings

Anyone know who sells steering bronze flange bearings for a Little Indian 400. It looks like the OD is 7/8in and the ID is 5/8in.I need these for a restoration project. Any help would be appreciated. I already checked OldMiniBikes and looked at Allied Leisure but can't find any in their listings(may have to phone Ray). Thanks.
A good old "Mom and Pop" auto parts store may have bronze clutch pilot bushings in an assortment from like Dorman or someone. I've lucked out there before! :thumbsup::biggrin:
You may want to consider checking into having a local machine shop make these. I had to do this for my Lil Indians as none I tried fit tight enough. I couldn't live with the fork wobbling. Can't remember exactly what the cost was but, as I recall, it wasn't that much. I should mention, you'll have to bring the machinist the fork bolt your using as well as the frame so that he can get an accurate diameter on both.
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Just found out that Fastenal has them too. The company i work for deals with them a lot. They have the identical size to an original bushing. I measured mine and looked them up. Not cheap but there again the perfect size. $3.23 each.
Ended up ordering the ones from Mcmaster Carr and they are a perfect fit all around. Would definately suggest these to anyone needing a replacement. Thanks to all who suggested them.