Manco Rustler 310

I have a few of these 3 wheelers, even plan to make a v twin powered racer style atc similar to a 350x/250r etc I started a facebook group for these manco/cenex bikes, just haven't added much to it yet. I'd like to find a complete straight body to splash a mold from so I can start to make some fiberglass bodies for them.


Active Member
With the HF kit you can heat and mold the plastic to remake what you need to fix it. Just take your time and play with it to learn how it works. You can use any old broken lawn tractor hood for big flat parts and some bends. And the hoods should be free too. As the broken one are junk and will not be used anyway. And a good heat gun will help bend big parts too. And after it is done you can paint it to cover he different colors of plastic. I hope this helps you out.
I have three Manco Questers. One still has the decals but the other two do not. Does anyone know of someone that makes reproduction decals for these?
not yet but I'm gonna reach out to a couple folks soon, so there is a true kit. I'll reply back here, should know within a week or so. I'm sure there are one or two folks on here who repro decals, I just don't know who they are yet.
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if you have an atv junkyard around, you could try to find a 4 whlr back plastics that may be made to fit the manco. if you have access to a 200x atc, i think those may fit with minor work.