MTD/Columbia final drive ratio.


Active Member
In the process of rebuilding my MTD/Columbia dual suspension mini bike and I was wondering if anyone who has a factory unaltered model what would the tooth count be on the jackshaft drive sprocket? I have the factory rear 3 hole sprocket on the rear wheel.


I'll get some pics posted of this MTD mini bike as I'm not %100 sure what model I have or even the year. It's the 6 inch wheel model with the conventional front suspension forks.
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Well-Known Member
I parted one out a couple of years ago. I never counted, but I did take (and save) pictures of everything

The rear sprocket was 40T. Not sure, but if I had to guess, I'd say the jackshaft sprocket was 12T based on the picture and size of the sprocket

To clarify, mine was a 71 model

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Active Member
Thanks for the pics and the info. I was able to source a 9 tooth #41 chain B type drive sprocket so this gives me about a 4.5:1 final drive ratio.

I noticed your bike utilized a Comet 20 series driven pulley set up.

Did you have any parts left for sale from this MTD mini bike?