Well today we weren't going to ride but Doug and Jesse decided to clean there bikes and do oil changes , and we also had to fix the pe on Jesse's bike .
We got the pipe done first and they started cleaning . While doing so we noticed that the throttle setup on the Honda ( which was the owners doing ) was not opening up all the way I pulled the air filter and could see that the butterfly was only a half to two thirds open . Well we no what this means , all day of out running him yesterday maybe just ended .
And let me tell y'all the shit talking started and I was getting a little worried , cause I had been racing just half of that Honda not all of it .
It took just about most of the day to rebuild the throttle set up . Doug made new brackets for it , I had to pull the flywheel cause Jesse had dropped bolts behind it and they stuck to the magnets inside the wheel . So we got it all together , and we also put a yellow spring on the driven of Doug's TAV and they were both talking shit about showing me something .
Me and Doug made some runs up and down the street and he got beat pretty bad , at the time I didn't know he was sand bagging a little . We got Jesse's bike together and took it out he tried it first and then Doug and I . After sweating all day about the only racing half a Honda yesterday and after riding it , well it was better but not quite what I expected .
So after a bunch of arguing we line up with Doug dropping the flag and I got a little jump but stayed in front the whole length of the street , which is about a little less than half a mile . We were probably running a quarter mile or so . At the end the the Honda was about 10 feet behind me when we let off . We ran back the opposite way and I got there first with the Honda ri