My Harley had a growth on his nose so we took him to the vet on Tuesday and the Dr wanted to remove it, so of course we said yes. He went in the very next morning, they couldn't remove all of it as it was too big :doah: they did a biopsy and sent him home :thumbsup: I should have shot some video of him all stoned bouncing around the house with his cone :doah:
Well we got the results from the biopsy today, and it is cancer :doah: We have decided to just let him live out the rest of his days and not put him through any more medical treatments. He will be 12 years old on the 14th of this month and has been with us every day since he was 14 weeks old.
Mama got him for me at a low point in my life to try and cheer me up and it worked, he has been my best friend and my biggest pain in my a$$ :thumbsup: Although we have lost 2 dogs in the last year and a half it will be the hardest to lose my Harley