Need help ID'ing 2 parts I just picked up.

The first one is a clutch brake-

Basically I need to know what I need to complete this setup. I have a Ruttman frame that needs a brake, so I'm hoping to use this. Also, any idea what it may have come off of? The motor runs great, so I think I might leave the setup on it and run this motor.

The second is a really old briggs 3hp motor. I bought a group of four motors, and this was one of them. It's the only one that I have no intention of using. I guess if it's worth anything, I'll sell it. Not looking to get rich off of it, just have no idea what to ask for it. Any insight, or anyone think they could use it? If not, I'll throw it on the shelf with the others and use it for parts someday. :shrug:



New Member
The clutch brake is probably home made and the Briggs could go for $40 or $50 on CL.. Now it might bring a few more bucks on ebay
Factory built clutch brakes didn't have the metal plates like yours..


New Member
There is few parts needed to install a clutch brake a bolt or 2 bracket for the brake cable. And most important if buy chance your chain would break or come of all you got left is your two feet to stop your mini. :blink:


Active Member
check that briggs engine and see if it has a steel bore,many of the updraft carb engines were the industrial steel bores. it would make an indestructible minibike engine


Well-Known Member
MTchevy1,tecumseh looks to be off a snowblower unit:thumbsup: i have found that some of the snowblower units use a clutch with a spring loaded band brake. you could just reverse the spring setup with a softer spring and fab a cable brake on to it. something like mybiz setup.
here is another picture band/clutch setup from a snowblower:thumbsup:my as a comet unit.
Gentlemen, awesome pictures - thank you! I've been researching band brakes, as I want to put on on my K&S Hornet (conversion from scrub brake), but wasn't exactly sure how to go about it. Now I know. That exploded-view diagram was especially helpful, as well as seeing all the different kinds of setups.
You need to find yourself an old Tote Gote roller, the old 3hp Briggs is a perfect fit. With the gear reduction of the old trail bikes, HP isn't a big factor.