Needed - Front Fork for a MB165/Baja Carbon

I need a a front fork for a MB165/Baja Carbon. The silver forks/shocks, not the black MB200 forks that were recalled. Or is there a generic substitute out there? Baja says the part is NLA.

A guest riding one of my bikes cracked one of the shocks and finding a replacement has me stumped. My hunch is someone who has upgraded might have spare stock forks lying around? Please help me get my full fleet of MB165s up and running for summer fun! :) Thanks.

(I had this posted over in the Wanted section but a Member suggested I post here too....)
Being an owner of 8 warriors I have never seen a "Carbon" version. Can you post some pics? Would love to see them.

As far as upgrading there is no upgrade short of replacing the entire fork assembly with something from a motorcycle. :shrug:

Here are a couple of mine.

I believe there are two versions I ran across.

The set they use for the MB200 and the mini baja MB165 - The mini's are shorter by 2 inches or so. I actually have a 1 silver shock for the mini - but I dont think you need that.

Your best bet if you dont find someone here willing to sell you one, is to comb craigslist/offerup for any roller/beaters that has the fork you want. You can usually find them < $100 sometimes and will give you some extra parts to hide from the wife!

Thanks for the replies. :)

Doug - I can snap a pic of the Baja Carbon when I dig them out. They have the standard red tank that just says "Baja Carbon" on it with the red & black seat and black frame and fenders. Maybe they are all Warriors and I am calling them by the wrong name. I got them all secondhand/abandoned so who knows.

Scott - I think I actually need the silver shock that you have. I will check the total length of the good shock on the damaged bike and get back to you. I think all of my bikes are MB165s so I did not know there were different length shocks out there for the MB200s. I just knew from reading posts here that the MB200s had a recall on the shocks.
I am familiar with the red tank/red black seat bikes but never heard them called a "Carbon" version. I have heard them called a Baja "Heat" version.

And yes they are all Warriors. I have 165's and 200's but have never compared the length of the fork shock.

And if I am not mistaken the forks were the recall on the 200's I don't think it was the fork shock but I could be wrong. :shrug:

the trailmast 200-2 is on sale and it's forks may be useable..i do not have measurements and the forks are not listed on site,but i spoke to a fellow a couple of months ago on the phone and some things he said he could order for me..i believe they service these so maybe help you..forks maybe,probably same tooling as a m200. you could call.. TrailMaster MB200-2 Mini Bike
the trailmast 200-2 is on sale and it's forks may be useable..i do not have measurements and the forks are not listed on site,but i spoke to a fellow a couple of months ago on the phone and some things he said he could order for me..i believe they service these so maybe help you..forks maybe,probably same tooling as a m200. you could call.. TrailMaster MB200-2 Mini Bike
Those forks are completely different from the MB165 and the MB200. The 200-2 has a fork leg that runs all the way to the top of the triple tree. The older bikes used a much shorter fork shock that fit into the bottom of the triple tree. Now you may be able to change out the complete assembly with the new style but I don't know about the length on the new style.
