this is my new bonanza I just bought it off craigslist. but after a close examination its in worse shape than anticipated. so far I've found out the engine is a latter model hs50 twin shaft snow blower motor (not original) with a home made clutch cover and moved to far over to the right for the chain to line up. its using sise 35 chain on the engine to jackshaft side and size 41 from the jackshaft to rear wheel. the rear drum brake is missing and someone installed a scrub brake, the front wheel isn't original. the fenders are home made and the rear one is welded to the frame, the front forks are stuck and twisted and the rear shocks are stuck and the left one the threads that screw in the bottom eyelet are stripped so there's no fixing it and the throttle cable is stuck. and it appears someone didn't like where the foot pegs were so they removed them and welded new ones to the frame and the kick stand is missing. and the wheel spacers have been replaced with nuts and washers. on the bright side the engine dose turn and has compression and the clutch seems ok and it has a nice looking seat.
so since the engine isn't oriental I may switch it for the 6hp briggs in the picture below I saw a picture of one of these bikes with a briggs ohv in it and it looks sweet. and the 6hp is the smaller boar version of the engine the briggs animal is based off of so there's plenty of aftermarket racing parts for it and its far more powerful then the hs50. as far as the broken shock I have a set of shocks I bought at a flee market a while ago for 2$ with no real use for them at the time but they seem close enough to work. and I have 2 un reparably rusted out wheels from the same flee market with 2 different brake hubs so I'll see if one of them will fit this bike. and I may use the nice tires off them on another bike so they have become far more useful than I originally thought lol. I'm not sure how to un twist the front end yet but freeing up the shocks should be easy enough. I'll think on how to un twist the front end and chat with a few friends who may have ideas, the twisted front end and replaced front wheel, look to suggest someone may have run into something so hard it broke the wheel and twisted the forks at the same time. the hard parts going to be finding the missing original parts, I know a while back someone started making reproductions of these bikes but I don't know it they are selling parts and if the parts will be cheep enough to be worth buying. for now I'm not in any hurry. I'll just get it running and buy parts as I come across them.

so since the engine isn't oriental I may switch it for the 6hp briggs in the picture below I saw a picture of one of these bikes with a briggs ohv in it and it looks sweet. and the 6hp is the smaller boar version of the engine the briggs animal is based off of so there's plenty of aftermarket racing parts for it and its far more powerful then the hs50. as far as the broken shock I have a set of shocks I bought at a flee market a while ago for 2$ with no real use for them at the time but they seem close enough to work. and I have 2 un reparably rusted out wheels from the same flee market with 2 different brake hubs so I'll see if one of them will fit this bike. and I may use the nice tires off them on another bike so they have become far more useful than I originally thought lol. I'm not sure how to un twist the front end yet but freeing up the shocks should be easy enough. I'll think on how to un twist the front end and chat with a few friends who may have ideas, the twisted front end and replaced front wheel, look to suggest someone may have run into something so hard it broke the wheel and twisted the forks at the same time. the hard parts going to be finding the missing original parts, I know a while back someone started making reproductions of these bikes but I don't know it they are selling parts and if the parts will be cheep enough to be worth buying. for now I'm not in any hurry. I'll just get it running and buy parts as I come across them.