new bonanza project.

joshua. c.

Well-Known Member
This engine has the stock animal flywheel (Aluminum) and I beleve I gapped it to stock animal speck but I can check. I also have a damaged coil wire running to the spark plug that has been taped up with elecrical tape, It could be arcing to the block. This coil is the older type without the pvl flywheel and I haven't yet been able to locate a replacement. I also need to check compression just to cover all my bases. I do have another motor I could swap this with temporarily but it to would also need to be tunned since its a less extreme version of this motor built out of a briggs inteck 6hp.

joshua. c.

Well-Known Member
quick question: I think I have this bike geared to high. Dose anyone know how many teeth the gear on the clutch side of the jackshaft used to have on a stock Bonanza?

Recently I've been busy with all the prep work and repairs needed before installing new floors in my house. That major project is done, I just finished installing new hardwood maple floors by myself so I can take a break on the house and look at this bike again

I have new plugs on order for the bike to see if thats part of the issue. If push comes to shove I'll throw a stock briggs in the frame to get the bike running untill I get these issues sorted.

joshua. c.

Well-Known Member
Newengland needs a few more mini bike events next summer
A while ago we lost the East Provinence Rhoad Island 100 foot drags and it dosent seem they are coming back anytime soon. and the throwdoun group has been skipping the earlyest event they used to hold bringing them down to 2 events and a couple of years ago the go kart style trike racing group I was part of lost the tracks and stopped holding events and this year Gomas mini bike massacre was cansled. We need more events.!

I'm way to busy to host one but I'll definently attend anything new somone wants to start. Provided its not more than a 3hr drive frome New Hampshire.

joshua. c.

Well-Known Member
I may not be able to work on the bonanza right now due to the weather but I'm still working on other bikes. I just got finished prepping the rims of 2 bikes for new tires. I pulled the tires and wire wheeled the rust out of the inside of the rims then hit the inside of the rims with a coat of rust reformer and black spraypaint to prevent future rust. One bike is my black posibly either gilson or bonanza with a set of rupp 10 inch rims, the other bike is a rupp roadster 2 with 12 inch rims, both bikes are getting rupp motocros tires from Black Widdow Motorsports. Thise tires are a very knobby dirtbike like tire, I have used them on 2 bikes so far and I realy like them. I currently have 2 Rupp's in pices right now getting slowly assembled as I fix all the beat up detirioration issues. One bike will be bone stock and be a training bike for any of my frends and familys kids to ride the other will be an insane, stupidly fast, monstrosity of a bike meant only for the most skilled ridders.

I also have a therd rupp which will more or less be a prittyed up Rupp Roadster 2 meant to look mostly stock but with motor mods to make it fun, It will look like a show bike but run so much better and I wont be afraid to get it dirty. I build bikes to ride and for no other reason. This bike will be finished last after the other two. Imagine the looks of horror on the faces of other builders who build show only trailer queens when I troll them by showing up to a mini bike show with this bike just to run it screaming threw the trails the minute the show is over and come out coverd in dirt and mud lol.

joshua. c.

Well-Known Member
I know you guys like pictures so these are the rims ive been working on

All the rims have new tires new tubes and new rim strips. the top one isn't knobby but I just had a set sitting in my basement for my restomod prittied up Rupp project and I decided I wanted knobbys for that project so these will go on the stock rupp. The non knobby tires have been discolored in spots from sitting around and brushing against stuff tor over 5 years and theres a bit of overspray from painting the rims in chrome, I'll totch that up later.

I don't think the fake chrome came out as good as it could have. It dosn't help that I hired out the tire install after popping 4 tubes trying to get it right on my own. Whatever he used as a rim lubricant ate the chrome paint and melted it so they still need quite a but of totch up work.

The new paint on the bottom set was done after tire install and came out pritty good! only a few small spots of overspray made it under the tape. The chrome was damadged beyond repair so I didn't bother trying.


joshua. c.

Well-Known Member
Happy new years!

Newyears day update: One of those sets of rims ended up back on the bike today ready to run. This black bike (not my red bonanza) still needs some upgrades but its getting closer to finished. I need a better looking seat, a front brake setup, posibly a new swing arm setup for the rear, a handle bar brace to stop them from moving as much and a mikuni carb setup. These kobby tires will make a huge difference when racing allowing me to corner harder with more confidence. Untill my red Bonanza is running this black bike is currently tied for fastest with my blue bike.


As far as the bonanza I tested spark today and that was all good so next comes a compression test as soon as I find my guage. thes thing was somewhat running before so its probbably something simple.

If I can't fugure out what is wrong with my hevily modified Briggs Animal soon I still have options.

2 Briggs Animals I was told run when I bought them and 2 briggs intecks, one bone stock the other hevily modified. As long as at least one of these runs I will have this bike running next spring.

There are also like 6 or 7 other motors of varing sizes and makes hidding in the dark behind these. welcome to motor corner! lol. I keep spares of a number of sizes and tyes because you never know when that will come in handy.

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I think for now I'm just going to try to get either my lesser modded inteck or one of my stock Animals running just to get this bike running and play with the supper modded motor some more latter unless I find the issue soon and its a simple fix. Either way the bike wil look mostly the same, possibly with a black shroud based on engine choice. Even a stock Animal this bike will still be insane. Briggs and stratton states the Animal gets 9hp out of the box.

On a separate note I think I have this bike geared to high I think I need to swap the left side gear on the jackshaft with at least a 13 tooth. and keep the right side at a 9 tooth.