Ok. So I am going to put the Flexo up for sale. Keep in mind I am no expert on these. But I believe this to be as close to NOS in existence. The forks work and you can see they have only been compressed by pushing it around. If you try to push them down you can see they will go further than the paint wear marks. It had the wrong wheels on it so I took them off. But you can see where they were on there from the paint. It doesn’t look like there was ever a seat mounted or engine based on no marks on the paint. Also no marks on the handlebars from grips or levers. You can see the brake cable guide bracket on it still has paint inside the mount. That is the good news. The bad news is I absolutely hate shipping. So unless you are going to pick it up. Have someone else you know or a company pick it up or mail me a crate that I can do nothing more than set the frame in it then your probably not going to get it. I would take it to a UPS store and hand them the frame but that’s it. You would have to call ahead and give them your account info and tell them how you want it handled. Doesn’t matter how much you offer me to ship it or what your willing to pay. If you can afford this then you have friends. I can hold onto it until you can get it picked up. This is one of those things that I don’t even know if you would put it together or leave as is. If anyone wants to come see it they can. I have no idea what it’s worth. But I can say if you are a collector this would be the one you want. I am guessing like most pages you need to put a price. We all know how stupid prices are right now so I will say if your willing to pick it up $2000 or bo. Only because of condition and we have seen junk frames do stupid money. I’m sure some of you think it’s not worth any where near that. And you may be right or wrong, like I said. I am no expert and don’t know what someone can afford or is willing to pay.If you need time to pay for it so you can sell something else to come up with the money I can do that. Or make payments. I could give you up to 2 months to pay with a non refundable deposit. If you have friends closer to me I would be willing to drive within 2 hours of Boston to hand it off.
If nobody wants it for that I may trade it locally or Ebay it in the future.
Again. I had to put a price. Don’t get upset if you don’t like it. It says OR Best offer because I have no idea. If I don’t respond right away be patient. I have had more conversations in PMs about this bike than I have had conversations with my wife in 18 years… lol

If nobody wants it for that I may trade it locally or Ebay it in the future.
Again. I had to put a price. Don’t get upset if you don’t like it. It says OR Best offer because I have no idea. If I don’t respond right away be patient. I have had more conversations in PMs about this bike than I have had conversations with my wife in 18 years… lol

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